Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Cleansing and a Second Chance for Eating Sensibly!

Spring...the time of regrouping, and upon us. During my walks, I often pass this juice bar that has large plastic fruit outside. You might be able to make out the pineapple behind the sign. The fruits conjure images of rebirth and spring for me since they carry within the seeds for the new generations. And the glorious warmth and sunshine of the season nourish them for the outburst of growth that is spring.

And the picture on the right shows the giant fruits with the door to the juice bar to the right. I have not yet summoned the courage to enter that dark, puzzling room...but my curiosity draws me to it. And spring is the perfect season for the "Master Cleanse."

Over the winter I have stuffed my body with empty calories, and now it is showing the impact! Horrors...just in time for summer bathing suits!!! I wish I could drink a "Master Cleanse" concoction to remove the effects of my winter-time food orgy. I would just drink a small one to get rid of five pounds, medium for ten pounds, and a wonderful...powerful...large for twenty pounds.

I would backtrack to my smaller size and regroup...change my dietary ways... and only take into my body those foods that will support its healthy growth. Can I have a second chance?

Well I can gather all of the strength I have and loose this extra weight, then make a pact with my body to treat it like the sacred vessel that it really is. After all it has done so much for me. It has taken me through my infancy and childhood and grew strong to support all of my activities and goals. It has taken me through early adulthood and patiently stood by as I neglected it for my studies. It gave me a son who is the most glorious gift of my life. The least I can do is give it the respect it deserves and care for it as diligently as it cared for my son when he was growing strong enough to be born into the world. 

I am ready for the master cleanse of spring and a new way of treating my body ... with the ultimate respect and care that it deserves.

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