Monday, July 2, 2012


Whispers it is!! I have finally decided on my business name. I was debating between "Traces" and "Whispers," but "Whispers" won out because it evokes soft memories and loving memories and that is what I want my business to be about.  

Like whispers of the evening light dancing on the wildflowers in the neighborhood (above). Or a bird doing its best to survive in 109 degree heat (below).

Or a dad helping his daughter climb the steps to discover the wonders at the top.

Whispers of celebrations of a graduate and our pride in her accomplishments...

Whispers of cousins dancing the night away.

I want to help parents document the special moments in the lives of their families. I want to create fun photographic experiences that leave people with a visual memento of our time together. I want to make this happen and I am motivated!! This blog will document the experience so I can follow my progress....