Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Civics Lesson!

We have a large budget deficit here in Texas, just like many other states. Our problem here is that we have a governor who will not adjust the taxation system, and who has huge misconceptions about public education.

The currently proposed state budget includes 9.8 billion dollars in cuts to education. Many districts are already planning to layoff teachers. Even fields like math and science...with looming teacher shortages are seeing potential layoffs.

So a group of us gathered at the
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin to make signs for a large rally that occurred today in front of the Texas State Capitol Building. Although some news reports say that only about 5000 people attended the rally, others estimate that it was higher and I heard that it was more like 14,000. I'm not sure who is correct, but the 5000 estimate came from the state police officers who tend to be supporters of our governor.

Our governor opposes President Obama's policies in general, so he has refused to apply for 830 million dollars that the state should receive. He is refusing the money because he does not like the restrictions placed on it, however he doesn't seem to care that some of the budget problems could be solved with that money.

Education is too important for our future to allow it to wither because of insufficient funds. Our younger generations are depending on us to provide for them the educations they deserve. 

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