Monday, November 1, 2010

12 Food Dangers for Kitties

They reach high counter tops in one leap, scare huge dogs with one fierce hiss, and pounce on small rodents in one second. Their antics make us think of them as super-felines, but they are not immune to many dangers lurking in our kitchens. 

They charm us with their bright eyes and beg us to share our delicacies with them....but mostly we should resist. Many harmless-looking foods can create major problems for our beloved cats. 

This is a list of some common human foods that can harm cats.

1. Onions, garlic, and related root vegetables contain substances that can destroy feline red blood cells and cause Heinz body anemia.

2. Raw green tomatoes and potatoes contain bitter alkaloids that can cause serious lower gastrointestinal symptoms. Tomato and potato leaves and stems also contain large amounts of these harmful alkaloids.

3. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is a central nervous system and cardiovascular system stimulant, and can cause vomiting and even death. Some animals are attracted to chocolate because of the sweetness, but we need to protect them from their desire...for their own good!

4. Grapes and raisins have mostly been documented as toxic for dogs, however they are also most likely harmful for cats. Little research has been done on grape toxicity in cats, but the ASPCA recommends avoiding them for both cats and dogs.

5. Xylitol, a common sweetener in candy, can cause lethargy, liver failure, and loss of coordination in cats.

6. Fat scraps from meat can cause pancreatitis in cats, and bones can cause choking.

7. Raw eggs can contain salmonella and E. coli which make cats sick. They also contain avidin, an enzyme that interferes with the absorption of biotin, a B vitamin that is needed for healthy skin and fur.

8. Raw fish and meat can also contain salmonella and E. coli, which make cats sick. Raw fish contains an enzyme that destroys the B vitamin thiamine. Lack of thiamine causes convulsions and even comas.

9. Coffee and tea contain caffeine which makes cats restless and in large quantities can be fatal to cats.

10. Tuna can be addictive for cats. If it is available, cats will eat only tuna and suffer from malnutrition.

11. Dog food as an only food source for cats will also lead to malnutrition because it does not contain the correct nutrition for cats.

12. Milk is well tolerated by kittens, but many adult cats are lactose intolerant. Adults can get most of their nutrition from food and should avoid milk.

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